FxGhani Simple 1-2-3 Swings ( Beginners ). - FxGhani Trading Learning Place

FxGhani Simple 1-2-3 Swings ( Beginners ).

This method is based on defining support and resistance levels and trading upon the fact of their violation.

Time Frame: Any
Currency: Any

Entry: Once the market make it trough the pivot line and closes above (for uptrend) or below (for downtrend) the line buy/sell accordingly.
Exit: not set. However exit can be found using Fibonacci method: or traders can measure the distance between point 2 and point 3 and project it on the
chart for exit.

Additions: as additional tool traders ca use MACD (12, 26, 9). The rules for entry then will be next, lets see an example for SELL
When MACD lines cross downwards you look for the 1-2-3 set up form.
When the price is attacking the pivot line you checked the MACD is still in SELL mode (2 lines are heading down). Once the prices closes below the pivot line place sell order.

Advantages: gives 100% profitable entries.
The yellow line represent the Pivot, in this case 1.3625 

FxGhani Simple 1-2-3 Swings ( Beginners ).

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